The wand is a war instrument that has been mentioned in epic works for many times, but the reflection of this combat weapon in Shahnameh has a special effect.So, with Ghor, in its application quality, we can not see this weapon in the hands of anyone. By examining the ancient texts, we conclude that this tool is a tool in the hands of the gods that uses it in the battle of the enemies and the devils. The ghosts who use this tool have actually received divine gifts. The great and famous pilots who have the oven are adorned with mushrooms. The mace is used to eliminate sinister people, as well as in the end times when the final victory is good for evil. Therefore, as well as other applications, we conclude that the wand has a tool of the same nature, which both itself and its user benefit from God's special privilege. In this article, we are going to prove the use of mice to prove that the mace is from the combat equipment that it has.
nikpanah M, hassanzadeh K. Farshad Razm-e Farhandeh, the patron saint in Shahnameh and epic works. ادبیات پهلوانی 2020; 1399 (6) :243-272 URL: