The Sogdi stanza in the description of the battle of Rostam with the demons, belonging to about thirteen centuries ago, was discovered in the Chinese state of Chansoi. Rostam's story in this text is accompanied by primitive, magic, and shamanic elements; but it may be one of the sources of the story of Rostam's battle with demons. In contrast, Darjange is a poem in the language of Laki (in Lorestan province), belonging to the Afshari period, composed by Noushad Tarhani, in which the poet's conversation with an old tree was depicted and the tree, during this conversation, brings its life to the mythological period of Iran and the kingdom of Kiumars and accompanies its words by a brief description of the Iranian heroes and kings. In this regard, some researchers have put these two texts in one form and structure, namely, under the category of epic poems (in the sense of the origin of the epic) and tried to introduce these two examples to other Iranian languages .Since the inclusion of these two texts in a category raises ambiguities about epic poems, the authors of the present paper have tried to define the epic poem with a descriptive- analytical approach, characterize its features, and then, according to those characteristics, show that considering the Soghdi text as an epic poem is permissible, but it is not true about the Noushad's Darjange because of the time of its composition, form, and structure; and therefore, more contemplation about it is needed.
shahbazi A, bazvand A. Comparison of the Soghdi stanza about Rostam's battle with demons with Noushad Tarhani's Darjange based on the definitions and characteristics of the epic poem. ادبیات پهلوانی 2021; 1399 (7) :161-184 URL: